‘A History of Silence’ is out!

WOW! “It’s obvious that the last few years have been pretty challenging for Sibille Attar musically, for a variety of reasons. And whilst I don’t like resorting to swearing, she probably summed it up best when she talked about the recording of her album, because this is her ‘fuck it’ album, the restraints of the music industry cast aside, complete control over the creative process, and a fluid, genre-bending album, accompanied by engaging and interesting instrumentation throughout, and where she pretty much does whatever she damn well chooses. I hope she doesn’t stop, because it’s pretty marvellous stuff from start to finish.”

MERCI ELINA! http://euradio.fr/2021/03/15/album-europeen-de-la-semaine-a-history-of-silence-par-sibille-attar/

“Ingen får någonsin ändra på Sibille Attar.” ng.se/recensioner/musik/sibille-attar-a-history-of-silence

“Sibille Attar – en modern Madonna” https://www.di.se/nyheter/sibille-attar-en-modern-madonna/

“Sibille Attars uppföljare över förväntan” https://www.bt.se/kultur/sibille-attars-uppfoljare-over-forvantan-d4740de6/


Wee! Thank u Brian! https://t.co/UMhuTCuOe6?amp=1

Thank you @3RRRFM for this nice lil’ moment in time, (love to hear my Swenglish has returned stronger and heavier than ever, no more Scottish here!) Also sorry for swearing so much…https://t.co/kliH5WYcwW?amp=1


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